利物浦大學英國留學生城市規劃方面的碩士課程essay指導-You are to select one completed urban or regional regeneration programme or project in a location known to you and to write a report
Module aims.
The module aims to equip students with an understanding of the theory and practice of urban regeneration and an ability to develop planning policy responses in different situations.
Learning Outcomes.
Upon successful completion of the module, students should:
1. Understand and be able to discuss alternative theoretical approaches to solving problems of urban renaissance and be able to critically evaluate examples of urban policies and plans associated with urban renaissance.
2. Understand and be able to discuss alternative theoretical approaches to solving problems of neighbourhood renewal and be able to critically evaluate examples of urban policies and plans associated with neighbourhood renewal.
3. Be able to initiate and develop urban policy and planning responses to problems of urban renaissance and neighbourhood renewal.
Outline syllabus.
The syllabus draws on theoretical discourses and examples of urban renaissance and neighbourhood renewal from across the developed world, notably Europe and the UK.
Teaching comprises a series of lectures supplemented by student-led seminars.
NB: Postgraduate students will be assessed separately from undergraduate students.
There are two elements of assessment: 1.) A group seminar paper and presentation (50% of module marks); 2) An individual coursework report (50% of module marks).
1. Seminar Paper and Presentation.
2. Coursework Report.
This is individual work.
You are to select one completed urban or regional regeneration programme or project in a location known to you and to write a report on this case study using the following template.
ENVS336/536 Urban and Regional Regeneration. Coursework Report.
Your name: Student number:
Please state the programme/project title (max 10 words) and its aims (max 50 words):
1. What was the context and what problems were being tackled? (max 400 words):
2. What were the policy responses/solutions? (max 400 words):
3. How was the programme/project implemented – by whom, through what policy mechanisms, with what funding? (max 400 words):
4. What is your evaluation of the programme/project – was it effective, efficient and equitable in its outcomes? (max 600 words):
5. What aspects of urban or planning theory are illustrated by this case study? (max 600 words):
NB1: You may include, within the template, a maximum of three (3) items of graphic material (e.g. maps, plans, photographs, etc.) to help illustrate and explain the programme/project.
NB2: You MUST use this template and you MUST NOT exceed the word limits.
NB3: All sources of data must be appropriately referenced. Additionally, any discussion in any of the sections must be suitably embedded within the literature (e.g. discussions about www.mythingswp7.com the nature of the problems, and the evaluation in sections 6 and 7) and referenced. References are not counted in the word limit.
Marking will take account of the precision and accuracy of the evidence presented, the coherence of the arguments, and the depth and quality of analysis, insights and conclusions.
Your individual report must be submitted no later than Friday 14th December 2012. Late submissions will be penalized in accordance with University policy.
Seminar (Group work) 50%
[Presentation 25%]
[Paper 25%]
Report (Individual work) 50%
Module 100%
Recommended reading.
NB: Further references will be given throughout the lecture programme.
ODPM, 2001, National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal, London, The Stationary Office
Colantonio A & Dixon T (Eds), 2011, Urban Regeneration and Social Sustainability: Best Practice from European Cities, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell
Couch C, Fraser C & Percy S (Eds), 2003, Urban Regeneration in Europe, Oxford, Blackwell
Couch C, Sykes O and Borstinghaus W, 2011, Thirty years of regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: the importance of context, Progress in Planning, 75:1:1-52
Diamond J et al (Eds), 2010, Urban Regeneration Management: International Perspectives, London, Routledge
ODPM, 2001, Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future, London, The Stationary Office
Goodchild B, 2008, Homes, Cities and Neighbourhoods, Aldershot, Ashgate
Jones P & Evans J, 2008, Urban Regeneration in the UK: Theory and Practice, London, Sage
*Tallon A, 2010, Urban Regeneration in the UK, London, Routledge
Parkinson M et al, 2004, Competitive European Cities: where do the core cities stand? London, ODPM
Urban Task Force, 1999, Towards an Urban Renaissance, London, E&FN Spon
*- key text
CRC 25.7.2012