美國本科課程essay要求說明-the american dream
Instructions: Choose and answer one of the following questions. Answer question in full length standard essay format based upon readings, in-class discussions and film screenings.
Format Guidelines: Each answer must be 5-6 pages double spaces. Finals must be double-spaced. Font: Times New Roman, 12 point. 1 inch margins on all sides. 5 points will be deducted from every paper that does not follow these formatting guidelines. 說明:選擇并回答下面的問題。基于全長度標準dissertation格式閱讀回答問題,課堂討論和電影放映。
Headings must appear as follows:
American Pluralism Final
Time of Class (2:00 or 4:00)
Please do not include person number, date, email address, title or any other information.
Research and Citations: You are not required to do outside research for this exam. All of the information required can be found in your course reader and you are primarily expected to use the readings on the syllabus, documentaries/video-clips shown in class and in-class discussions as your sources. However, because of the nature of the assignment, many of you may find it beneficial to do outside research. There is no shortage of material related to the topics we have covered in class and I encourage you do spend some time researching and finding external sources that could strengthen the essay question you are answering. 究和引用:你不需要做這項考試的外部研究。所有所需的信息,可以在你的課程的讀者發現和你主要是希望使用的閱讀教學大綱,紀錄片/視頻剪輯顯示在課堂上和課堂討論你的來源。然而,由于任務的性質,很多人可能覺得這樣做是有益的外部研究。不存在短缺的材料,我們在課堂上所涉及的主題相關,我鼓勵你花一些時間研究和尋找外部資源,增強文章的問題你回答。
For the final, I am requiring that you include a bibliography with at least 3 SOURCES AND 3 IN-TEXT CITATIONS.
The bibliography and citations must be in standard APA or MLA formatting style. Each paper that does not follow these guidelines will be deducted 3 points.
Learning how to properly cite and reference material is of utmost importance to all academic disciplines. For those of you who have questions about how to construct a Bibliography, properly cite in text and any other citation and source formatting questions, please see the following excellent online resource - http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/#p#分頁標題#e#
Each in text citation must have both the authors name and page number of the specific material being referenced.
Outside Sources
When using external sources, please take the following things into consideration: Academic sources are the best and most useful sources for this essay. These sources are generally peer-reviewed to check for accuracy and strength of arguments; Most academic sources can be accessed using the libraries (via the BISON catalogue, or using the online databases). These are probably the best kinds of sources to use for your paper.
You can also use newspapers or popular magazines such as Time, Newsweek¸ etc. although these are not peer-reviewed and are hence not academic sources. These may, however, provide you with a better sense of how a particular topic is being discussed in the mainstream media.
While using web-sources, please verify them – check the date of publication and who the author is. Please read the following web-page on how to evaluate web sources: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html
In addition, here are some key things to keep in mind when evaluating a web source:
- Who’s the author? (Remember, author is not the same as webmaster) Does the author provide any contact information?
- Check if the document or the author is affiliated with a reputable institution. In general, websites ending with .edu or .gov can generally be trusted. When using documents from other organizations, check what the organizations’ platforms are. For example, information gathered from a white-supremacist organization such as the New Century Foundation is likely to be skewed and will not be acceptable for this paper. Try to find sources that are reasonably balanced and well researched.
- Examining the purpose of the source material can often allow you to check its validity and use for academic writing. What is the purpose of the document and why was it produced? Avoid opinion pieces or documents that provide statistics with no citations. If the document claims to be providing original research, check to see what the research criteria was and how the research was conducted. Always attempt to trace stats, claims and materials back to their original source.
- When was the document produced? Last updated? If the document is older (more than 10 years) consider if it is worth referencing, or if a more recent source can be found.
- #p#分頁標題#e#Look for the original source. If a document is citing information from, say, the New York Times, go to the NYT website and attempt to locate and cite the original source.
- Avoid using political talking heads (such as Glen Beck or Keith Olbermann) as valid sources of information. You may use them to showcase how a certain issue is being discussed in the media or in the political sphere, but unless you can back whatever claims they are making by suitable evidence, don’t use them as reliable sources of information.
1) “The American Dream that we were all raised on is a simple but powerful one – if you work hard and play by the rules you should be given a chance to go as far as your God-given ability will take you.” – President Bill Clinton, 1993.
This is a chance to take a second look at the myth of the “American Dream.” In doing so, you must explore how access to the “American Dream” and oppression and privilege operate throughout society on an institutional level. What is your understanding of the American dream? Do you believe in it? Does the American dream apply to everyone regardless of their race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability? Do historical oppressions on the basis of belonging to a particular group have any impact on one’s ability to realize the American dream? Does the fact that we increasingly live in a post-industrial America where power and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few have any impact?
Unlike the first essay, this essay should not simply explore the American Dream in relation to race. Rather, this time, you must explore how this myth operates in relation to multiple facets of our identities, including gender, sexuality, class and race. Also, address how many of the issues relating to race, class, gender, sexuality and ethnicity operate in conjunction with one another and affect ones ability to obtain the “American Dream”. In this essay you must be specific and give several examples from several of the different topics we have covered this semester.
Grading Scheme
Your essays will be graded according to the following criteria:
- Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, use of appropriate and mature language
- Quality of general argument made, overall organization and development of ideas, usage of specific and relevant examples; presence of a clear thesis statement as well as conclusion.#p#分頁標題#e#
- Accuracy of sources and citations
(Please realize that bad grammar, poorly structured sentences, typos, as well as lack of appropriate sources and citations will affect the overall quality of your argument and will, thus, most likely reduce your overall grade).
A: This is an excellent paper. It exceeds the requirements of the assignment and goes above and beyond. It engages with ideas that are complex. Your text unfolds like a story; you guide your reader through a narrative-like progression from one idea to the next. The writing flows well from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. Grammar is perfect.
B: This is a good paper. It fulfills the requirements of the assignment. A “B” paper goes beyond merely summarizing material from the readings or class sessions. It demonstrates analytical skills and goes beyond mere explanation or summary. Most of the ideas in this paper are good. Some ideas may even be great, but their support may need to be fuller in some areas. Some transitions may be abrupt. There may be some awkward sentences in this paper or some inconsistencies in tone. A few spelling or grammatical errors are okay in a “B” paper.
C: This is the most complicated type of paper. This paper has a number of strengths, but it also has some obvious weaknesses. A “C” paper will show a basic understanding of the expectations for the assignment even if they are not all fulfilled. The most common problem is a paper that is overly explanatory rather than analytical. Sometimes there may be analysis, but it needs to be more intellectually complex or is poorly defended. There are some good ideas in this paper, but they tend to be haphazardly presented or unrelated to the analysis. There may be lapses in logical reasoning. The writing tends not to flow that smoothly from sentence to sentence or from paragraph to paragraph, and the wording may be awkward in many places. Papers that merely summarize material from the readings or class sessions will receive a grade no higher than a “C.” A large number of spelling or grammatical errors will put a paper into this category, although some “C” papers can be grammatically sound.
D: A “D” paper has fewer strengths and a greater degree of weakness than a “C” paper.
F: This is only for a paper that does not meet any of the requirements for the assignment. “F” papers are very rare, and if you receive a grade of “F,” you are required to meet with me individually.