標題: RMB exchange rate 留學生dissertation定制
發(fā)布日期: 2010-3-8 17:25:16
dissertation語種: English
國家: Australia
專業(yè)范圍: Finance
dissertation用途: Dissertation 畢業(yè)dissertation
截稿日期: 2010-07-10
字數(shù)要求: 無要求
學校背景: 墨爾本
1 Introduction
1.1 Definition:
1.1 History
1.1.1 1949-2004
1.1.2 2005-2007
1.1.3 2008-Now
International review
2.1 American
2.2 Europe
2.3 Japan
2.4 International
2.5 China
3.1 Primary research
3.1.1 Disadvantage
3.1.2 Advantage:
3.2 Questionnaire:
3.2.1 Disadvantage
3.2.2 Advantage
3.3 Designing the questionnaire:
3.4 Interview
3.4.1 Disadvantage
3.4.2 Advantage
3.5 The interviewee
3.6 Designing the interview questions
Data analysis
4.1 Questionnaire
4.2 E-mail Interview
5.1 Influence of RMB appreciation:
5.1.1 Advantage
5.1.2 Disadvantage
5.2 Current international status:US Dollar & RMB
5.3 Forecast Future trend
Recommendation Custom Thesis,Custom Dissertation,請聯(lián)系QQ:949925041
Appendices 1
Since suffered the financial crisis in 2008, the pressures which hope RMB exchange rate appreciation is increasingly raising. I would appreciate your assistance by answering a few questions.
1. What is your occupation?
A. Student
B. General corporate staff
C. Finance-related staff
2. Will it bring impact on your life if RMB appreciation?
A. Great effect
B. A little effect
C. No effect
3. After the RMB appreciation, have you increased the purchasing quantity of import product?
A. Yes, it increased
B. No, it decreased
C. No change
4. What’s impact will bring on Outbound Tourism if RMB appreciation?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. No effect
5. How do you think the effect about the Overseas student if RMB appreciation?
A. Bring benefits
B. Bring Damage
C. No effect
6. In your opinion, will the house prices rise because the appreciation of RMB?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not sure
7. In your opinion, which sector could have great profit when RMB appreciation. Please sequence the sector from largest profit to smallest profit.
A. Aviation sector
B. Financial sector
C. Petrochemical industry
D. Real estate
8. In your opinion, in the following factor which is the most important reason drive the RMB appreciation?
A. Chinese government regulation
B. Domestic economic environment
C. Other currency effect
D. International economic environment
9. What is your expectation about the RMB exchange rate in next five years?
A. Rise
B. Remain constant
C. Decline
D. Not sure
10. What do you think about the RMB's international position?
Appendices 2Custom Thesis,Custom Dissertation,請聯(lián)系QQ:949925041
Interview Questions
How do you think the relationship of the Chinese inflation and RMB exchange rate?
How do you think the relationship of the RMB exchange rate and depreciation of US Dollar?
Academic references
1. Francesca Taylor. 2003. Mastering foreign exchange & currency options.2nded.
2. Giorgio Radaelli. 1995. Exchange Rate Determination and Control.
3. Xu Ning. 2004. Monetary Union in Asia.
4. Paul Krugman and Marcus Miller. 1992. Exchange rate targets and currency bands.
5. Francesco Giavazzi and Alberto Giovannini, 1989, Limiting exchange rate flexibility: The European monetary system, the MIT press.
6. Anthony Santomero and Davd Babbel, 2001, financial markets, instruments & institutions, second sdition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.
7. Mark saunders, Philip Lwwis and Adrian Thornhill, 2009, Research methods for business students, fifth edition, Pearson education.
8. Mark Saunders,Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill, 2003, Research methods for business students, third edition, Prentice Hall.
9. Donald R Cooper and Pamela S Schindler, 2008, Business research methods, tenth edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.
10. Philip coggan, 1995, the money machine how the city works, third eidion, Penguin Group, England.
11. Dominick Salvatore, 2007, International economic, ninth edition, published by John Wiley & sons.
12. Kevin P. Lane, 2006, marketing to China's hinterland. The McKinsey Quarterly, Special Edition.
13. Oded shenkar, 2005, the Chinese century: the rising Chinese economy and its impact on the global economy, Prentice-Hall,
14. Reuters, Nov 2009, TIMELINE: The past, present and future of china’s yuan, online available: http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE5AF03C20091116#p#分頁標題#e#
15. Raymond opdenakker, Sep 2006, advantage and disadvantages of four interview techniques in qualitative research, online available: http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/viewArticle/175/391
16. November 17, 2009, Business week, online available:http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/nov2009/gb20091117_989539.htm
17. Mr. Totomolo, Dec 03th 2008, Think tank wants RMB devaluation , online available: http://www.shanghaiexpat.com/MDForum-viewtopic-t-85224.html
18. Quament, Nov 2009, Barack Obama visits China; RMB exchange rate will be the focus, online available: http://www.quamnet.com/newscontent.action;jsessionid=9590BF0CFF3E6B5CA26D7C30040CB50F.node2?articleId=1376873&view=NEWS
19. Chinability, Nov 2009, Renminbi (Chinese yuan ) exchange rate 1969-2009, online available: http://www.chinability.com/Rmb.htm
20. Katy Burtner, May 2009, exchange rate verbal war is becoming a chicken rib, Online available: http://watchingamerica.com/News/27929/exchange-rate-verbal-war-is-becoming-a-chicken-rib/
21. Hu Weiwei, Nov 2009, Chinese exporters fear new wave of exchange rate fluctuations, online available: http://english.cri.cn/6826/2009/11/14/1601s529356.htm
22. 2006 18th June, Hot money Chung Hong Kong real estate expected to rise to RMB appreciation of the real estate, online available: collapsehttp://www.robroad.com/data/2006/0718/article_31809_1.htm
23. China economic review, January 7, 2010, CASS researcher encourages 10% RMB appreciation, online available: http://www.chinaeconomicreview.com/dailybriefing/2010_01_07/CASS_researcher_encourages_10_RMB_appreciation.html
24. King, Oct 28th 2009, RMB appreciation will not be back in the second half of next year, online available: http://chinayinhua.cn/2009/10/rmb-appreciation-will-not-be-back-in-the-second-half-of-next-year/
25. China fastener, RMB Appreciation to slow down, up 1-2% in 2009, online available: http://www.chinafastener.info/en/news/2862.htm
26. Alan Barrett,Ide Kearney and Jean Goggin, spring 2009, Quarterly economic commentary, published by the economic and social research institute.#p#分頁標題#e#
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